Find Your Freedom

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Secure your future wherever you are today

We work closely with you to understand your circumstances and priorities, then create a clear, effective financial plan for you - enabling you to make key life choices on your own terms, without compromise; from funding your children's education, to having the means to step back from work when you choose to.

Grow Your Wealth

M Wealth

Successfully increase and pass on your wealth

Our award winning team can help you to grow your wealth and protect it as you pass it on to your loved ones. Combining our investment, estate and inheritance planning expertise with personal high touch service, our international advisors provide continuity of advice and support wherever you are in the world.

Optimise Your Pension

M Pensions

Maximise your pension income and benefits

Our understanding of UK and international pensions means that we can provide you with clarity and simplicity - delivering the right solution for you, wherever in the world you are, and wherever you choose to retire. Our award winning 'Next Generation' pension investment strategies are designed and managed by Morningstar, the world’s largest fund analytics company.

Forth Capital provides award winning international financial planning, wealth management and pensions advice, from dual qualified advisors authorised and regulated in the UK, Switzerland, the EU, Australia, the US, and Hong Kong.

With offices across four continents, our expertise and international licenses enable us to provide the right cross-border financial solutions wherever you are in the world.

Why Forth Capital?

Winners at the 2024 Investment International Awards, for 'Excellence in Advisory Best Practice', and rated ‘Excellent’ by our clients on Trustpilot, our dual-qualified advisors provide continuity of advice and exceptional service wherever you are in the world, and wherever you choose to go next.


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