Providing clarity amidst uncertainty in an increasingly interconnected world
Over the past month, I’ve had the privilege of spending time with colleagues across three continents; in the US, UAE, and Australia – affording me the opportunity to meet our esteemed clients, discuss prevailing issues with prospective clients, and co-host seminars focusing on the challenges and opportunities presented by the recent UK budget and US election.
At the heart of every conversation was a consistent theme: the importance of providing clarity amidst uncertainty and making the complex simple.
Week One: Texas – A perspective from the Lone Star State [the world’s eighth largest economy]
As the dust settled after the US Election in Texas - a state so economically powerful that if it were a country, it would rank as the eighth-largest economy in the world [larger than Canada, Italy and even Russia] – our Houston seminar addressed a series of pressing questions for British expats in the US. With the prospect of a change in government, what could this mean for US economic policy and the markets in the next four year cycle – and how would the recent UK Budget [which had created the prospect of a 67% UK pension tax trap; and a rising rate of capital gains tax on UK situs assets] impact their financial planning?
Our UK Chartered, US dual-qualified financial advisors, Claire Taylor and Jamie Tulip brought their extensive expertise to bear, providing actionable insights that cut through the political noise, and explained the financial planning strategies that would help clients to grow and protect their wealth.
If you are a British expat in the US and would like to book a personal consultation with Claire or Jamie to discuss these issues and your specific needs, contact us today.
Week Two: Dubai – A Global Hub of Opportunity
The Capital Gains Tax increases and significant Inheritance Tax reforms announced in the UK Autumn Budget have only served to underscore Dubai’s advantages as a favoured destination for high net worth and ultra high net worth individuals and entrepreneurs, given its attractive tax regime and business-friendly environment.
The already significant number of Britons relocating to the UAE is accelerating, and with good reason, as opportunity abounds. The speed and scale of development in Dubai is exceptional, and if the number of ongoing infrastructure projects and cranes on the skyline is a barometer of economic confidence and growth, then Dubai is undoubtedly set to consolidate its status as a global hub in 2025, and beyond.
Week Three: Sydney – Retirement Readiness Down Under
In Sydney I joined Mark Plummer and our Australia-based team, where the UK Autumn Budget’s implications for pensions were a key topic of discussion, with changes to pension freedoms and the inclusion of UK pensions within the scope of IHT having created a potential 67% tax trap for UK pension funds.
Mark’s experience and expertise [as Forth Capital's Head of Australasian financial planning] was evident as he addressed each of the potential challenges and pitfalls with clarity - showing how clients could benefit from our international licences and cross-border ROPS [Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes] expertise to optimise their pension benefits.
If you are a British expat in Australia and would like to book a personal consultation with Mark to discuss your specific needs, contact us today.
Common Threads Across the Globe
These three weeks spent in the US, UAE and Australia have highlighted the value and importance of adopting a global perspective. The increasingly interconnected nature of today’s world means that opportunities and challenges rarely exist in isolation - and by leveraging our multi-jurisdictional authorisations and the expertise of our dual-qualified advisors, we are able to provide tailored advice that empowers our internationally mobile clients to secure their financial freedom.
As we look ahead, the challenges and opportunities for British expats will continue to evolve, and Forth Capital remains committed to being our clients' trusted partner on this journey, helping them to protect and grow their wealth.
Looking Ahead to 2025
As the year draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to evaluate your financial plans for 2025. Are you maximising the opportunities available to you? Do you have the support you and your family need to navigate the challenges ahead? At Forth Capital, we’re here to help.
Let’s start a conversation to help you secure your financial freedom, grow and protect your wealth, and optimise your pensions in 2025.
This communication is for information purposes only and does not constitute financial, legal, or tax advice. Please schedule a meeting to discuss your circumstances and to receive personal financial planning advice.
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